Kembali | Vol 6, No 2 (2017)
Sandy Prima Yudha dan Sinto Sunaryo
PT Pertamina (Persero) rectified the announcement of the increasing fuel price of pertamax began May 15, 2015, at 0:01 pm. Vice President Corporate Communications of Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro stated that there was no increasing of all fuel types price of fuel marketed. He mentioned as clarifying the company's assertion that the confusion related to the news circulating in the community over rising fuel prices. This study will examine the transport sub-sector stock prices listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). This study was conducted to determine how the market reaction to the cancellation information price hike of fuel oil (BBM) on 15 May 2015. In this study using the statistical method of event study to estimate the time span during the 60-day period when the labor market with methode of regress share data to get alpha and beta. The results showed no significant effect on fuel price hike cancellation information.
event study, the cancellation of rising fuel prices, the transport sub-sector