
Kembali | Vol 6, No 2 (2017)



Pengaruh Pemberian Insentif dan Sistem Reward pada Kinerja Karyawan
Anang Ardiansyah dan Wiyono

This study included research into the testing of hypotheses to test 1) The positive influence on the promotion of employee performance, 2) reward positive influence on employee performance, 3) moral positive influence on employee performance incentives, 4) the effect of the efficiency of the system of incentives for employee performance. This research was conducted at PT. Djitoe Indonesia Tobacco in Surakarta, taken by purposive sampling technique. This study took a number of respondents as many as 127 people. Mechanical testing data using multiple linear regression with SPSS 18. The results of this study showed, among others, 1) Promotion of positive and significant effect on the performance of employees 2) reward positive and significant effect on the performance of employees 3) moral incentives positive and significant effect on employee performance 4) the efficiency of the incentive system positively and significantly the performance of employees. Limitations of this study is the number of samples and data collection techniques used is a survey using a questionnaire. This technique has advantages yaitucepat in data collection. But the drawback is the presence of factors that may influence the opinions of respondents in answering the questionnaire because of time constraints and also the lack of understanding of respondents to the questionnaires indicators. Thus, in future studies are expected to complement the limitations in this study

promotion, rewards, moral incentives, the efficiency of the system of incentives, employee performance




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