
Kembali | Vol 6, No 2 (2017)



Support for Innovation dan Reward System for Relationship-Building sebagai Moderasi pada Pengaruh Konflik Tugas dan Konflik Hubungan pada Perilaku Kerja Individu
Giharni dan Dwi Hastjarja Kustijana

This study included into the research hypothesis testing to test support for innovation and reward system for relationship-building as a moderation effect of task conflict and relationship conflict on the behavior toward individual work. Conflicts task and relationship conflict as independent variables. Innovative behavior, knowledge sharing and organizational citizenship behaviors individuals (OCBI) as the dependent variable. Research was conducted on employees KJKS BMT Tumang Boyolali, taken with non probability sampling method and sampling by convenience sampling technique. This study took a number of respondents as many as 129 people. Mechanical testing data using hierarchical regression analysis with SPSS v18.0. The result of this research is the conflict task positive influence on innovative behavior, relationship conflicts negatively influence OCBI, conflict task positive effect on knowledge sharing, relationship conflicts are not positive and not significant to knowledge sharing, conflict of duties is not proven influence and significance on innovative behavior moderated by the support for innovation, conflicts task has no effect and no significant effect on knowledge sharing moderated by the support for innovation, conflict relationship has no effect and no significant effect on OCBI moderated by the reward system for relationship-building, conflict relationship has no effect and no significant effect on knowledge sharing moderated by reward system for relationship-buiding.  Limitations of this study is data collection techniques used is a survey using a questionnaire. This technique has the advantage that relatively effectively collect data quickly. But the drawback is the presence of factors that may influence the opinions of respondents in answering the questionnaire such as variations in the level of education, the bustle of the respondents because of time constraints and also the lack of understanding of respondents to the questionnaires indicators. So that further research can be supplemented limitations to this study.

Conflict, Conflict Management, Performance Management, Individual Behavior




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