
Kembali | Vol 6, No 2 (2017)



Pengaruh Iklim Psikologi pada Turnover Intention dimediasi oleh Kepuasan Kerja dan Keterlibatan Kerja
Ferry Setyariangga dan Anastasya Rianib

This study was a hypothesis testing research to examine the effect of psychological climate, job satisfaction and job involvement on the turnover intention of employees. The objective of research was to find out turnover intention level in PT. Sunlife Financial Surakarta affected by such factors as psychological climate, job satisfaction and job involvement.  The sample method employed in this research was purposive sampling one. The criterion of respondents in this research was employees with more than 5-month tenure, with 180 employees as the population and 150 as the sample. This research employed descriptive and Structural Equation Model (SEM) analyses. From the result of research, it could be concluded that psychological climate and job satisfaction affected turnover intention negatively, while job involvement did not affect turnover intention. This study had limitation including sample size, research object focusing on one object only (the employees of PT. Sunlife Financial Surakarta. The result of research could not be generalized to the case out of research object because every object had different characteristic and the data was collected  using questionnaire thereby giving the respondent the opportunity of responding to the questionnaire not seriously.

Psychological climate, Job satisfaction, Job involvement, Turnover Intention




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