
Kembali | Vol 6, No 3 (2017)



Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Profitabilitas Bank Syariah di Indonesia (Studi pada bank syariah yang terdaftar di Bank Indonesia periode 2012-2015)
Tri Angga Dewanti dan Ignatia Sri Seventi P
Banks as financial intermediaries in carrying out their business activities are classified into two categories, namely conventional banks and Islamic banks. The importance of the function and role of Islamic banking in Indonesia, the Islamic bank needs to improve its performance in order to create a banking system with a sound and efficient sharia principle with one of the references is profitability. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of BOPO, NPF, CAR and FDR on ROA of Islamic banks in Indonesia. Data analysis used in this study is testing classical assumptions, multiple regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. From the results of hypothesis testing, BOPO (Operating Income Operating Costs and NPF (Non Performing Finance) shows a significant negative effect on Islamic banks ROA, CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio) has no significant negative effect on Islamic banks ROA, and FDR (Financing to Deposit Ratio) have a significant positive effect on the ROA of Islamic banks in Indonesia.For the F test, it can be concluded that there is a simultaneous effect (together) between all variables tested (BOPO, NPF, CAR, FDR) on the ROA of Islamic banks in Indonesia.

Profitability, BOPO, NPF, CAR, FDR, Bank Syariah




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