Kembali | Vol 6, No 3 (2017)
Rachella Poernomo Santi dan Djoko Purwanto
This research aims to test the influence of subjective norm, satisfaction, the attractiveness of alternatives, and the need for finding variations against the intention of switching to electric cigarettes. This research was conducted on a conventional cigarette users in Surakarta has the intention to switch from tobacco cigarette to electric cigarette. The data in this study were collected through a questionnaire that was given to the respondent. The sample consisted of 100 respondents. This research method using non probability sampling techniques with convenience sampling. The data obtained in the analysis using multiple analysis test. This analysis includes: validity and reliability test, the assumptions of multiple regression analysis test, hypothesis testing through t-test and F-test, as well as the analysis of the coefficient of determination (R2). The four free variables is inferred to have significant influence towards the Intention Switched simultaneously and partial. Figures Adjusted R Square of 0.522. 52.2% variable means that the intention of the switch will be influenced by the free variables, i.e. The Subjective Norm (X1), satisfaction (X2), the appeal of alternative (X3), and the need for finding variations (X4). 47.8% and the rest of the variables will resorting intention is affected by other variables that are not discussed in this study.
intention to switch, subjective norm, satisfaction, alternative attractiveness, need for variety