Kembali | Vol 6, No 3 (2017)
Dhamar Pramudhita dan Susanto Tirtoprojo
The purpose of this research is to know the relation between job stress with job satisfaction, relation between job stress with turnover tendency, and relation between job stress and turnover tendency with job satisfaction as mediation variable. This research was conducted on the employees of PT. Prima Sejati Sejahtera. This research uses survey method and use convenience sampling technique. This study took 100 samples from the production division of PT. Prima Sejati Sejahtera. As for testing the hypothesis is used. Simple linear regression to determine the effect of job stress on job satisfaction and change of tendency. Multiple linear regression to know the role relation of job satisfaction as a variable of mediating job stress. From result of data analysis known that job stress have negative effect to job satisfaction and have positive effect to turnover trendency. But job satisfaction does not mediate the effect of work stress on on turnover tendencies.
job stress, job satisfaction, turnover tendency