
Kembali | Vol 6, No 3 (2017)



Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Otentik, Komitmen Afektif dan Job Resourcefulness pada Kreativitas dan Kinerja Individu Karyawan
Angga Dwi Budi Prakoso dan Yeni Fajariyanti

This study aims to test: 1. The effect of authentic leadership on Affective commitment 2. The effect of authentic leadership on job resourcefulness 3.The  effect of Affective commitment on creativity 4.The effect of Job resourcefulness on creativity 5. The effect of Authentic Leadership on creativity 6. The effect of Job Resourcefulness on individual Performance 7. The effect Creativity on individual performance. This research was conducted on the employees of BPJS Kesehatan Surakarta Residency. Sampling using non probability sampling method. This study took the number of respondents as many as 150 Employees. The testing technique uses SEM (Structural equation modeling). Based on the results of SEM analysis that test the hypothesis in this study obtained the results include 1. Authentic leadership has a significant effect on Affective commitment 2. Authentic leadership has a significant effect on job resourcefulness 3. Affective commitment has no effect on creativity 4. Job resourcefulness has no effect on creativity 5. Authentic leadership has a significant effect on creativity 6. Job resourcefulness has a significant effect on the performance of Individual 7. Creativity has no effect on individual performance. The limitation of this study as follows: data collection method used is using questionnaire. The disadvantage of the questionnaire is there are factors that influence the opinion of respondents in answering such as busyness of respondents due to limited time and the lack of understanding of respondents to the questionnaire indicator as well. Therefore future study is expected to complement the limitations in this study.

Authentic Leadership, Affective commitment, Job resourcefulness, Creativity, Individual performance




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