
Kembali | Vol 7, No 1 (2018)



Pengaruh Ethical Leadership terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior dan Turnover Intention: Peran Mediasi Perceived Organizationalfit dan Organizational identification
Afrizal Andaru Baskoro dan Mugi Harsono

This study aims to analyze the influence of perceived organizationalfit (po-fit) on organizational citizenship behavior, (3) to analyze the influence of ethical leadership on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB ), (4) to analyze the influence of ethical leadership toward organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) mediated by perceived organizationalfit (po-fit), (5) to analyze the influence of ethical leadership on organizational identification (OI), (6) to analyze the effect of organizational identification (OI ) to turnover intention, (7) to analyze the effect of ethical leadership on turnover intention, (8) to analyze the influence of ethical leadership on turnover intention mediated by organizational identification (OI). The population in this research are employees of sales department at BPR Bank Solo, BPR Adipura Sentosa, BPR Binalanggeng and BPR Rejeki Insani in Surakarta city which amounted to 160 people. The sample used in this study was 149 people. In this study will test the validity, reliability and hypothesis using SPSS. The results of this study indicate that ethical leadership has positive and significant effect on perceived organizationalfit (po-fit), perceived organizationalfit (po-fit) have positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior, ethical leadership has positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) , perceived organizationalfit (po-fit) mediates partially the relationship between ethical leadership and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), ethical leadership has a positive and significant effect on organizational identification, organizational identification has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention, ethical leadership has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention, organizational identification fully mediates the relationship between ethical leadership toward turnover intention.

ethical leadership, perceived organizationalfit, organizational identification, organizational citizenship behavior, turnover intention, salespeople




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