
Kembali | Vol 7, No 1 (2018)



Analisis Probabilitas Pemilihan Minat Studi Mahasiswa dengan Menggunakan Teorema Bayes
Fikri Zakiy dan Hidajat Hendarsjah

This study aims to assist Management Undergraduate Program of FEB UNS in providing information for decision-making related to the selection of study interest by the student. The information is expected to overcome the uncertainty and limitations of available data in decision-making related to the selection of study interest by the students of Management Undergraduate Program of FEB UNS. This research uses secondary data, which is student grades along with student's study interest choice which is obtained from Academic System of UNS (SIAKAD) with the permission of education program provider of Management Undergraduate Program of FEB UNS. Data analysis techniques used are Bayes Theorem and Forecasting with Binomial Logistic Regression Test. The result of this research is Bayes Theorem has succeeded in giving Posterior Probability result, that is Prior Probability (probability of student choosing each study interest) which has added by information about student's grade in each group of subjects related to study interest. However, based on the ANOVA Test, there is no significant difference in Posterior Probability, when a student gets a High, Medium, or Low grade. Binomial Logistic Regression Testing can not be done in this study because it does not meet the Goodness of Fit requirement of Binomial Logistic Regression Test. For this case, the method that can be used is Bayes's Theorem.

Decision Making, Bayes Theorem, Binomial Logistic Regression Test




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