
Kembali | Vol 7, No 1 (2018)



Pengaruh Manager Trust dan Distributive Justice pada Turnover Intention Dimoderasi oleh Job Embeddedness
Ahmad Fransetya dan Susanto Tirtoprojo

This study attempts to determine : 1) Influence of Manager Trust on Turnover Intention 2) Influence of Distributive Justice on Turnover Intention 3) The mederation role of Job Embeddedness between Manager Trust and Turnover Intention. 4) The mederation role of Job Embeddedness between Distributive Justice and Turnover Intention.The population of this study were employee of 5 five-star hotels in Surakarta used convenience method and 138 employees as sample. Sampling technic in this research using Purposive Sampling method. Tests in this study using the test instrument in the form of validity test with Confirmatory Factor Analysis method and reliability test by Cronbach's Alpha method. Hypoteshis in this research are tested by using Hierarchical Regression with SPSS 25.0 program. And to test the moderation in this research using Baron & Kenny (1986)Test.The results of the research suggest that: 1) Manager Trust has positive and significant influences on Turnover Intention. 2) Distributive Justice has positive and significant influences on Turnover Intention. 3) Job Embeddedness does not moderate the influence of Manager Trust on Turnover Intention. 4) Job Embeddedness does not moderate the influence of Distributive Justice on Turnover Intention.

Manager Trust, Distributive Justice, Job Embeddedness, Turnover Intention.




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