Kembali | Vol 7, No 1 (2018)
Atika Raisa Fitri Muhana dan Ignatia Sri Seventi P
The research conducted aims to determine whether the Political Connection effect on Stock Return (Empirical Study on Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange Year 2012-2017). This study uses data processing program SPSS (Statistical Product and Servive Solutions) version 16.0. The independent variable in this research is political connection and the dependent variable is stock return. The number of samples in this study as many as 212 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). Based on the results of research conducted, it is known that the level of significance between the poltical connection to stock return of 0.262, where the number is greater by 0.262 (0.262> 0.05). This means that ho accepted, political connection variables, size, leverage, and ROA have no significant effect on stock return variables.
poltical connection, return saham, size, leverage, and ROA