Kembali | Vol 7, No 1 (2018)

Fatma Firmandari dan Mugi Harsono
This study aims to determine the direct influence of Employee Engagement on Organizational Trust on employees of PT. Prasmitha Partner Selaras and Psychological Welfare and Transformational Leadership as mediation. This research was conducted with quantitative approach with a sample of 270 employees. The technique used to answer the problem formulation is to use SEM (Structural Equation Moelling) Test. Based on the research conducted, the results show that Employee Engagement has a positive effect on Organizational Trust with probability value 0,012 (p <0,05). In addition, Psychological Wellbeing and Transformational Leadership also mediates the relationship between Employee Engagement and Organizational Trust. The result is shown by the value of indirect effect of Psychological Welfare of 0.125457 and the value of indirect effect of Transformational Leadership is 0,14558. This value is greater than the direct influence value of 0.108, so that Psychological Welfare and Transformational Leadership mediate the relationship between Employee Engagement and Organizational Trust.
Employee involvement, psychological well-being, transformational leadership, organizational trust