
Kembali | Vol 7, No 1 (2018)



Keterkaitan Dukungan Organisasi, Ekstraversi, Kesesuaian Orang dengan Pekerjaan pada Kesuksesan Karir dengan Peran Mediasi Kepribadian Proaktif
Windya Anggraini Mulyono Putri dan Muhammad Cholil

This study aims to determine: (1) Testing the relationship between Organizational Support and Career Success (2) Testing the relationship between Extraversion and Career Success (3) Testing the relationship between Conformity with Work with Career Success (4) Testing whether Proactive Personality mediates the relationship between Organizational Support and Career Success. This research is associative by using quantitative approach. The population of this research is Lecturer FEB, FH, FISIP, and FKIP with sample 115 lecturers. Sampling method used in this research is Simple Random Sampling method or randomly selected sample. Data analysis technique used to answer the problem formulation in this research is SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis.The results in this study indicate that: (1) Organizational support has no direct effect on career success. The result is shown by the coefficient value of 0.154, with the value of C.R of 1.808 with a significance of 0.07; (2) Extraversion positively affects career success. This is indicated by the coefficient value of 0.172, supported by the value of C.R of 2.310 with significance of 0.021; (3) Work conformity has no effect on career success. This is indicated by the coefficient value of 0.099, with a value of C, R of 1.504 with significance of 0.132; (4) Proactive personality mediates organizational support relationships to career success. This is indicated by the significance of the relationship between Organizational Support with Proactive Personality of 0.007 and the relationship between Proactive Personality and Career Success of 0.013.

Career Success, Organizational Support, Extraversion, Person Job fit, Proactive Personality




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