
Kembali | Vol 7, No 2 (2018)



Pengaruh Co-Worker Support dan Job Insecurity pada Social Loafing dengan Turnover Intention sebagai Mediator
Nirantara Rahma Prasetyanti dan Susanto Tirtoprojo

The purpose of this research is to test the hypothesis that: (1) negative effect of co-worker support on turnover intention, (2) positive effect of cognitive job insecurity and affective job insecurity on turnover intention, (3) positive effect of turnover intention on social loafing, (4) turnover intention mediates the effect between co-worker support, cognitive job insecurity and affective job insecurity on social loafing. This research was taken on employees of PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX Kebun Semugih Pemalang with a sample size of 150 employees. The sample was taken using non-probability sampling method and purposive sampling technique with judgment sampling type. This research uses structural equation model (Structural Equation Modeling). The results of this study indicate that: (1) co-worker support negatively effect on turnover intention, (2) cognitive job insecurity and affective job insecurity positively effect on turnover intention, (3) turnover intention negatively effect on social loafing, and (4) turnover intention mediates the effect between co-worker support, cognitive job insecurity and affective job insecurity on social loafing. This study has limitations such as the number of samples that have not been able to provide a general overview, the results of research that depends on the questionnaires and the research object that was focused one area or one garden only on PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX Kebun Semugih Pemalang. Further research is expected to be improved in subsequent research.

co-worker support, cognitive job insecurity, affective job insecurity, social loafing, turnover intention




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