
Kembali | Vol 7, No 2 (2018)



Hubungan Faktor Penentu Keberhasilan dengan Kinerja Keselamatan yang Dimediasi oleh Pengendalian Internal
Tio Putro Wicaksono dan Anastasia Riani Suprapti

This study attempts to determine: 1) Management Commitment has a direct effect on Internal Control. 2) Employee Involvement has a direct effect on Internal Control. 3) Safety Training has a direct effect on the Internal Control. 4) Government Regulation has direct effect on Internal Control. 5) Internal Control is related to Safety Performance. 6) The mediation role of Internal Control between Management Commitment, Employee Involvement, Safety Training, Government Regulation and Safety Performance. The population of this study all of Kosti Solo Taxi Drivers and a sample of 150 drivers with Kosti Solo members with criteria for working 1 year or more. Sampling technic in this research using purposive sampling method. The method used in this study is Structural Equation Model (SEM). The test conducted are instrument test, model fit test, hypothesis test, and mediation effect test. The instrument used in this study is SmartPLS 3. The result of the research suggests that: 1) Management Commitment has a direct positive and significant on Internal Control. 2) Employee Involvement has a direct positive and significant on Internal Control. 3) Safety Training has a direct positive and significant on Internal Control. 4) Government Regulation has a direct positive and significant on Internal Control. 5) Internal Control is positive related and significant to Safety Performance. 6) Internal Control does mediate the influence of Management Commitment, Employee Involvement, Safety Training, Government Regulation on Safety Performance.

Management Commitment, Employee Involement, Safety Training, Government Regulation, Internal Control, Safety Performance




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