
Kembali | Vol 7, No 2 (2018)



Keterkaitan antara Perceived Corporate Environmental Policies, Perceived Organizational Support, Employee Eco-Initiatives, dan Psychological Contract Breach
Khrisna Ristika Mukti dan Mugi Harsono

This study attemps to find : 1) Influence of perceived corporate environmental policies on employee eco-initiatives with mediational role of perceived organizational support. 2) Influence of perceived organizational support on employee eco-initiatives with moderation role of psychological contract breach.The sample of this study are 104 alumni of Sebelas Maret University who is already working. Sampling method that used in this research is Convinience Sampling. Tests in this study using the test instrument in the form of validity test with Confirmatory Factor Analysis method and reability test by Cronbach’s Alpha method. Hypothesis are tested using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) with SPSS 19. Mediational in this research are tested using Sobel Test. Moderation in this research are tested using Moderated Regression Analysis. The result of the research suggest that: 1) Perceived corporate environmental policies are positive related on perceived organizational support. 2) Perceived organizational support have no relation on employee eco-initiatives. 3) Perceived organizational support can’t mediate the influence of perceived corporate environmental policies on employee eco-intiatives. 4) Psychological contract breach can’t moderate the influence of perceived organizational support on employee eco-initiatives.

Perceived Corporate Environmental Policies, Perceived Organizational Support, Employee Eco-Initiatives, Psychological Contract Breach




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