
Kembali | Vol 7, No 2 (2018)



Perilaku Perpindahan dari Produk Skin Care Nonorganik ke Produk Skin Care Organik (Studi pada Wanita di Kota Surakarta)
Dwi Mandar Saputra dan Budhi Haryanto

This study examines the effects of perceptions of risk differences, perceptions of value differences, perceptions of price differences, attitudes, intentions of switching, and knowledge as a moderating variable. Specifically this study was conducted on women using non-organic skincare in Surakarta City. Data collection in this study using questionnaires. The number of samples in this study is 300 respondents. The sampling technique used is convenience sampling. The test equipment used is SEM and SPSS. The results showed that perceptions of risk differences and perceptions of differences in values ​​on attitudes significantly influence, perceptions of price differences on attitudes have no significant effect, the attitude has a significant effect on the intention to switch. This study has the limitations of observations that focus on individuals who have the intention of switching from non-organic skincare to organic skincare in Surakarta City that only describes the phenomenon that occurs in women. This makes the generalization of the study limited. Future research is expected to establish different and wider observational objects.

Intention to Switch, Organic Skin Care, Risk, Value, Price, Attitude, Knowledge Green




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