
Kembali | Vol 7, No 2 (2018)



Efisiensi Holding Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) di Indonesia
Devilla Capricornia Margana Putri dan Bambang Hadinugroho

This study aims to determine the level of efficiency of the company with the establishment of BUMN holding in Indonesia. Data analysis method used is Data Envelopement Analysis (DEA) method with Variable Returns to Scale (VRS) model. The application of the DEA method is useful to determine the value of the efficiency of an economic activity unit which is calculated by comparing the output with its input. This research is a secondary data analysis taken from the 2012-2016 financial statements that have been published by the company's official website and IDX. The research population is a holding of a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) that has been formed. The sample taken for the study was three BUMN holding with 15 companies. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with several requirements. The collected data were analyzed using the help of software DEAP 2.1 and SPSS 16. The results of this study indicate that most of the companies in state-owned holding companies have not reached the maximum efficiency level, so that the establishment of BUMN holding may not make the company efficient. This study has several limitations concerning the availability of data and the number of variables used. Therefore, for further research, it is expected to cover the limitations of this study.

efficiency, State-Owned Enterprise, Holding Company, Data Envelopement Analysis (DEA)




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