
Kembali | Vol 7, No 2 (2018)



Pengaruh Harga Diri dan Pengetahuan Keuangan terhadap Perilaku Keuangan dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi (Studi pada Karyawan di Surakarta)
Sajidda Nurul Khusna dan Arum Setyowati

The purpose of this research is to test that self-esteem is directly linked with financial behavior, conditional on objective financial knowledge and other socio-economic factors, and self-esteem is indirectly linked with financial behavior, through subjective financial knowledge, conditional on objective financial knowledge and other socio-economic factors. The population of this study were employees in Surakarta with a sample of 165 respondents. Sampling  using purposive sampling method. Various tests were performed such as validity test with Confirmatory Factor Analysis method, reliability test with Cronbach’s Alpha method, classic assumption test with normality and multicollinearity test, and path analisis method. The result of this study indicate self-esteem is not significant to the financial behavior, so the direct relationship between self-esteem and financial behavior no effect. Indirect self-esteem is not significant to financial behavior through subjective financial knowledge, as it is only significant in the four instruments of financial behavior , so the indirect relationship between self-esteem to financial behavior through subjective financial knowledge has no effect. The limitation of this study is the number of samples that have not been able to provide a general overview and the study, time constraints, the lack of understanding of respondents to the investment, so the results are not as expected. It is expected to be improved in subsequent research.

Self-esteem, objective financial knowledge, subjective financial knowledge, financial behavior




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