
Kembali | Vol 7, No 3 (2018)



Pengaruh Pelatihan terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan dengan Komitmen Organisasional sebagai Mediasi
Novia Indah Susilowati dan Yeni Fajariyanti

This research aims to know 1) The influence of access to training on the Organisztional Commitment 2) The influence of support to training on the Organizational Commitment . 3)  The influence of the benefits of training on the Organizational Commitment. 4) The influence of the Organizational Commitment on service quality 5) The role of mediation of Organizational Commitment.There are two hundred and sixteen sample of customer service employees and two hundred and sixteen sample of clients of BRI in Surakarta. The data collection use Purposive Sampling technique and Convenience Sampling method. The testing method in this research use Intrumental test system such as Validity testing with Confirmator Factor Analysis method and Realibility testing with Cronbach’s Alpha method. To test the relation between each variable uses Structural Equations Modeling with AMOS. Meanwhile, to test the hypothesis of mediation roles uses Sobel test.The results of this research show 1) The access to training has positive impact to the Organizational Commitment 2) The support to training has positive impact to the Organizational Commitment. 3) The benefit of training has positive impact to the Organizational Commitment.  4) There is no significant impact of Organizational Commitment towards the service quality. 5) Organizational Commitment does not have a mediation role that connects the Access, Support, and Benefits of training to the service quality. Based on the result of this research, service quality is not only measured by what the employees give to the clients, but also the other factors that improve the service quality. So, it needs re-observation of the other factors which can improve the service quality for clients.

Access to Training, Support for Training, Benefits of Training, Organizational Commitment, Service Quality




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