
Kembali | Vol 7, No 3 (2018)



Pengaruh Website Quality, Price Perception, Perceived Trust, Customer Satisfaction pada Customer Repurchase Intention
Akmal Kurnia dan Amina Sukma Dewi

This research aims to examine the effect of website quality, price perception, perceived trust and customer satisfaction toward repurchase intention in online travel agent fields. The population in this research were all society in Surakarta who already purchased the flight, train ticket or booked a room hotel in chosen online travel agent. The number of samples in this study was 228. The sampling methods in this research was purposive sampling and the primary data was obtained by distributing online questioner. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) used as analysis model in this research and SmartPLS 3 was used as the instrument for this study. The results shows the all variables positively affects intention to repurchase online travel agent that already chosen. This study has limitation of observational object that focused only on consumers who live in Surakarta and the object were limited to 5 online travel agent, so that generalization of study may be limited. Subsequent research is expected to have different and wider observational objects so it can be generalized on other phenomenom and expected to do comparison of research’s result.

Website quality, price perception, customer satisfaction, perceived trust, repurchase intention, online travel agent




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