
Kembali | Vol 7, No 3 (2018)



Faktor yang Menentukan Interest Rate dalam Pinjaman Konsumen pada Peer-to-Peer Lending Online Platform (Investree)
Amin Alfiyah dan Irwan Trinugroho

Peer-to-peer lending business in Indonesia began to grow rapidly since 2016, this marked by an increase in the number of lenders, borrowers, and companies. However, there are still many things that need to be improved in order to capture the high market share and close the funding gap that can not be fulfilled by the banks at this time, especially in terms of OJK regulation which one of them related to interest rate. Interest rates are an attraction that is directly related to P2P lending business continuity as an alternatif funding in Indonesia. Therefore, using data sets from the Investree platform, researchers analyzed the determinants of interest rates on several loan groups (individual loans, business loans, online business loans). The result stated that: on the individual loan (the grade has a significant positive effect and the loan purpose has significant negatif effect on the interest rate), the business loan (full sampel) show (grade has a signifikan positive effect and loan term has significant negatif effect on the interest rate), online business loan, which has grade significant effect on interest rate).

peer-to-peer lending, interest rate, peer-to-peer marketplace.




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