
Kembali | Vol 8, No 1 (2019)



Pengaruh Status Pekerjaan pada Hubungan antara Pelanggaran Kontrak Psikologis dan Hasil Kerja untuk Karyawan Paruh Waktu
Anisa Norma Yunita dan Muhammad Cholil

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the experience of psychological contract violations on the difference in employee outcomes (organizational commitmen and OCB) is moderated by voluntarity work status. Based on the problems that want to study the proposed hypothesis as follows: (1a) part-time employees will reduce the level of the commitmen to their organization if they have experienced psychological contract violations, (1b) part-time employees will reduce the level of OCB if they had experienced psychological contract violations, (2a) voluntarity work status moderated the relationship between perceptions of psychological contract violations and organizational commitment, (2b) voluntarity work status moderated the relationship between perceptions of psychological contract violations and OCB (conscientiousness and altruism). The population used in this study is part-time employees of PT. Telkom Surakarta with the sample number of 60 respondents. The sampling technique used is the census method (taking the overall population). Analysis tools used to test the hypothesis is to use Hierarchical Multiple Regression and Hierarchical Moderated Regression. Based on the results of the analysis can be concluded that: (1) Hypothesis 1a is supported, (2) Hypothesis 1b is supported, (3) Hypothesis 2a is not supported, (4 Hypothesis 2b is supported. Based on these findings are then presented suggestions: (1) required the extension of the scope of the respondent, (2) using interviews to get a clearer picture of the field conditions, (3) for the company should minimize the practice that gave rise to the perception of psychological contract violations that the level of organizational commitment and OCB remains high.

Perception of Psychological Contract Violations, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Voluntarity Work Status.




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