
Kembali | Vol 8, No 1 (2019)



Keterkaitan antara Penghargaan Organisasional, Komitmen Organisasional, dan Keinginan Berpindah Karyawan (Studi pada Karyawan PT Sari Warna Asli Unit II di Boyolali)
Windyah Alif Nur Rohmah dan Mugi Harsono

This research aimed to test (1) the influence of satisfaction of benefit toward affective and normative commitment, (2) the influence of the supervisor support toward affective and normative commitment, (3) the influence of coworker support toward affective and normative commitment, (4) the influence of autonomy toward affective and normative commitment, (5) the influence of training toward affective and normative commitment, (6) the influence of participation in decision making toward affective and normative commitment, (7) the influence of affective and normative commitment toward turnover intention. The subject of this research are managerial and non managerial employee of PT Sari Warna Asli Unit II that consist of 121 employees. Sampling using convenience sampling method. Hypothesis of this research are tested by using Multiple Regression with SPSS 16.0 program for windows. The result of this research shows that benefit gives a positive influence toward affective and normative commitment, autonomy gives a possitive influence towards affective and normative commitment, the partisipation in decision making gives positive influence toward affective and normative commitment, affective and normative commitment give negative influence toward the turnover intention.

Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intentions, Organizational Rewards




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