
Kembali | Vol 8, No 1 (2019)



Pengaruh Dukungan Organisasional pada Kreativitas dengan Lingkungan Kerja sebagai Mediator
Ulfi Siti Nihaya dan Susanto Tirtoprojo

This study attempts to determine: 1) Influence of organizational support on work environment, 2) Influence of work environment on creativity, 3) The mediational role of work environment between organizational support and creativity, 4) The mediational role of motivation and knowledge sharing between procedural justice and promotion. The sample of the research were 200 employees of Tiga Serangkai Group Surakarta. Sampling method in this research using Purposive Sampling method. Tests in this study using the test instrument in the form of validity test with Confirmatory Factor Analysis method and reliability test by Cronbach's Alpha method. Hypoteshis in this research are tested by using Stuctural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS 22 program. And to test the mediational in this research using Sobel Test. The results of the research suggest that: 1) Organizational support has positive and significant influences on work environment. 2) Work environment has positive and significant influences on creativity. 3) Work environment does not mediate the influence of organizational support on creativity. 4) Motivation does not mediate the influence of procedural justice on promotion. 5) Knowledge sharing mediates the influence of procedural justice on promotion.

Organizational Support, Work Environment, Creativity, Procedural Justice, Motivation, Knowledge Sharing, Promotion.




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