
Kembali | Vol 8, No 1 (2019)



Dampak Customer-Directed Extra-Role Performance dan Emotional Understanding terhadap Interpersonal Conflict, Felt Stress, dan Job Performance
Yulinar Dwi Pama Kurniawati dan Salamah Wahyuni

This study attempts to determine: 1) Relation among interpersonal conflict with felt stress. 2) Relation among interpersonal conflict with job performance. 3) Relation among felt stress with job performance. 4) Relation among emotional understanding with interpersonal conflict. 5) Relation among emotional understanding with customer-directed extra-role performance. 6) Relation among customer-directed extra-role performance with interpersonal conflict. 7) Relation among customer-directed extra-role performance with job perfomance. The population of this study are employees of customer service and marketing banking company in Surakarta City with 144 employees as sample. Sampling method in this research using Convenience Sampling method. Tests in this study using the test instrument in the form of validity test with Confirmatory Factor Analysis method and reliability test by Cronbach's Alpha method. Direct relation between variables using Structural Equations Modeling analysis with AMOS.The result of this research suggests : 1) Interpersonal conflict has a positive and significant relation with felt stress. 2) Interpersonal conflict has a negative and significant relation with job performance. 3) Felt stress has a negative and insignificant relation with job performance. 4) Emotional understanding has a negative and significant relation with interpersonal conflict. 5) Emotional understanding has a positive and significant relation with customer-directed extra-role performance. 6) Customer-directed extra-role performance has a negative and significant relation with interpersonal conflict. 7) Customer-directed extra-role performance has a positive and significant relation with job perfomance. This study has some limitations, the number of respondent sample can not describe the condition in general and the method of data retrieval is limited through the questionnaire only. So hopefully there is an improvement in subsequent research.

Customer-Directed Extra-Role Performance, Emotional Understanding, Interpersonal Conflict, Felt Stress, Job Performance.




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