
Kembali | Vol 8, No 1 (2019)



Pengaruh Manajemen Kualitas Terpadu pada Produktivitas Karyawan
Diyasa Adhiguna dan Sarwoto

The purpose of this study was to examine the direct and indirect effects of integrated Quality Management and employee productivity. This study uses dimension dimensions that influence integrated quality management and employee productivity precisely 6 dimensions on integrated quality management and 4 dimensions on employee productivity testing carried out at Konimex companies in Surakarta. The research method used was explanatory research design which was analyzed using Partial Least Square technique. The results obtained from this study are integrated Quality Management directly affecting employee productivity. In addition, the dimensions of the dimension also reinforce the direct relationship between integrated quality management and employee productivity. Limitations in this study are found in the object of research where the object of research used is a manufacturing company so the results of the study are less diverse. In addition, the addition of variable y in the form of work efficiency variables is also recommended to help optimize the results of specific research on the company's proposals. Associated with the Integrated Quality and Employee Quality Management variables can be suggested for managers to develop the ability of employees with training, guidance and periodic supervision, as well as the addition of Konimex facilities both on production equipment and facilities for employees. This will make employee productivity will gradually increase (Simamora, 2004; Putri and Dharma, 2014).

Integrated Quality Management, Employee Productivity, Human Resources, Facilities, Internal Audit, Standards, Organization, Training and Education




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