
Kembali | Vol 8, No 2 (2019)



Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Pasien dengan Kepuasaan Pasien sebagai Variabel Mediasi
Windi Listya Oktaviani dan Wisnu Untoro

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of service quality dimension (medical service, nursing service, support service, administration service, patient safety, patient communication, and hospital infrastructure) to patient satisfaction, patient satisfaction influence to loyalty of inpatients, and satisfaction patients mediate the effect of service quality dimensions on inpatient loyalty. The population of this study were RSI Klaten inpatients. In this study the sample used as many as 160 people. Sampling technique used purposive sampling, where the technique of determining the sample done with certain considerations. Hypothesis testing used linear regression and to test the mediation used model of Baron and Kenny (1986). The result of the research shows that medical service has significant influence to patient satisfaction, nursing service has significant influence to patient satisfaction, support service has significant influence to patient satisfaction, administration service have significant influence to patient satisfaction, patient safety has significant influence to patient satisfaction, patients have a significant influence on patient satisfaction, hospital infrastructure has a significant influence on patient satisfaction, patient satisfaction has an effect on patient loyalty, and patient satisfaction has a significant influence that mediate the quality of service dimension on loyalty of inpatients.

Quality of Service, Patient Satisfaction, Patient Loyalty




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