
Kembali | Vol 8, No 2 (2019)



Pengaruh Human Resource Practices pada Kinerja Organisasi dengan Prinsip Islam sebagai Variabel Pemoderasi
Dhimas Utbah dan Susanto Tirtoprojo

The goals of this research are to know about: 1) influence of selection and recruitment to organizational performance moderated by the implication of islamic principles, 2) influence of trainning and development to organizational performance moderated by the implication of islamic principles, 3) influence of compensation to organizational performance moderated by the implication of islamic principles, 4) influence of perfomance appraisal to organizational performance moderated by the implication of islamic principles, 5) influence of employee participation to organizational performance moderated by the implication of islamic principles. This research is using 200 employees of PT. Tiga Serangkai Grup Surakarta. Purposive Sampling Method is choosen as sampling method in this research. A set of reseach test is used, namely validity test by Confirmatory Factor Analysis method and also Reliability test using Cronbach Alpha method. To examine the hypothesis, it uses Moderated Regression Analysis by SPSS. The results from this research show that: 1) the influece of selection and recruitment to organizational performance can not be moderated by implication of islamic principles, 2) the influece of trainning and development to organizational performance is moderated by implication of islamic principles, 3) the influece of compensation to organizational performance can not be moderated by implication of islamic principles, 4) the influece of performance appraisal to organizational performance can not be moderated by implication of islamic principles, 5) the influece of employee participation to organizational performance is moderated by implication of islamic principles


Selection and Recruitment, Trainning and Development, Compensation, Performance Appraisal, Employee Participation, Islamic Principles, Organizational Performance




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