
Kembali | Vol 8, No 2 (2019)



Pengaruh Artificial Intelligence (AI) dan Robotics Awareness pada Niat Keinginan Berpindah yang Dimoderasi oleh Dukungan Organisasi yang Dirasakan (POS) dan Iklim Psikologis Kompetitif
Nurrohmattillah dan Yeni Fajariyanti

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics awareness its impact on turnover intention the moderating roles of perceived organizational support and competitive psychological climate. Specifically this research limits studies in employees of Hotel Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta. Data in the study were collected through questionnaires distributed to respondents. The number of samples in this study is 115. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Method used in this study is Structural Equation Model (SEM). The test carried out include test data instruments including validity and reliability test. The test equipment  used is AMOS. The results of this study indicate that the artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics awareness, and competitive psychological climate have a positive effect on turnover intention. Perceived organizational support have a negative effect on turnover intention. This study has a limitation that is object of obsevation that only on Hotel Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta so that the study generalization is very limited. Future studies are is expected to establish different and broader observation objects so that they can be generalized on other phenomena and can be compared to research result. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics Awareness, Turnover Intention, Perceived Organizational Support, Competitive Psychological Climate




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