
Kembali | Vol 8, No 3 (2019)



Pengaruh Jaringan Pertukaran Sosial Tempat Kerja pada Inisiatif Ekologi
Ragil Priyambada Aji dan Salamah Wahyuni

This research was conducted on employees of Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. Included in the hypothesis testing research is to test: 1) the influence of mediation of affective organizational commitment on the relationship of perceptions of organizational support and ecological initiatives, 2) the influence of affective supervisor's mediation commitment on the perception relationship of supervisor support and ecological initiatives, 3) the influence of mediation of affective commitment of the organization on the relationship perceptions of organizational support and ecological initiatives, 4) influence of affective association's affective mediation on the relationships of organizational social exchange and ecological initiatives, and 5) the effect of mediation of affective commitment of colleagues on the social exchange relationships of supervisors and ecological initiatives. Criteria of respondents are employees of civil servants and non civil servants. Taking 153 sample of research by using multistage sampling technique. This research uses Partial Least Squares - Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) with Smart PLS 3.0 test software. The results of this study show that: 1) the affective commitment of the organization mediates the positive relationship of perception of organizational support on ecological initiatives; 2) affective commitment of the supervisor mediates the positive relationship of perception of organizational support on ecological initiatives; 3) the affective commitment of co-workers mediates the positive relationship of peer support perception on ecological initiatives; 4) organizational affective commitment mediates positive relationships of organizational social exchange on ecological initiatives; 5) organizational affective commitment mediates the positive relationship of social exchange supervisors on ecological initiatives. This study has several limitations that include the limited number of respondents, the respondents are limited to the educational staff and only take a certain faculty/unit. It is therefore expected that further research may complement the limitations in this study.

Perceptions of Organizational Support, Perception of Supervisor Support, Peer Support Perceptions, Affective Organizational Commitment, Affective Supervisory Commitment, Affective Commitment of Co-Workers, Ecological Initiatives




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