
Kembali | Vol 8, No 3 (2019)



Pengaruh Sifat Kepribadian Five Factor Model pada Compulsive Buying Tendency dan Variety Seeking Tendency (Studi pada Masyarakat di Kota Surakarta)
Nadya Ekaputri Puspitaningrum dan Amina Sukma Dewi

Consumer behavior when making a purchase and consumsing a product is influenced by psychological factors. This study examines the correlation between personality (big five personality) on compulsive buying tendency and variety seeking tendency. This research limits the study of the population of society in Surakarta City. The data in this study were collected through an online distributed questionnaire. The sample in this study amounted to 315 respondents and using non probability sampling and purposive sampling techniques. Data testing and data processing in this study include validity, reliability, and hypothesis testing using SPSS 23 for Windows. The result of this research indicate that extraversion, conscientiousness, and neuroticism have a positive and significant effect on compulsive buying tendency. Then, agreeableness and openness have a positive and significant effect on variety seeking tendency. The limitation of this research is that this study was only conducted on the society of Surakarta City, so the scope of the study was less extensive. In the future study, it is expected that study may be carried out in a wider area and also increasing the number of respondents.

Big Five Personality, Five Factor Model, Compulsive Buying, Variety Seeking




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