
Kembali | Vol 8, No 3 (2019)



Keterkaitan Motivasi Pribadi, Komitmen Karyawan, dan Flow, Dimoderasi Faktor Demografi (Studi pada Karyawan Waroeng Spesial Sambal di Solo Raya)
Rebecca Widyaningtyas Indirasari & Asri Laksmi Riani

The study conducted to investigate the positive relationship of personal motivation to flow, flow to employee commitment, and personal motivation to employee commitment, the relationship between personal motivation and employee commitment mediated by flow, the moderation of demographic factors on the relationship of personal motivation to flow, flow to employee commitment, and personal motivation to employee commitment. The study was conducted on 253 employees of Waroeng Spesial Sambal in Solo Raya using a convenience sampling technique with a questionnaire. The Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) method is used for validity testing and the Cronbach's Alpha method for reliability testing with SmartPLS 3 software. The model was tested using Goodness of Fit (GoF). Hypothesis was tested using t-test method, and bootstrapping to examine the indirect effect. The Multigroup Analysis (MGA) method was used to test the moderation effect of demographic factors. The results showed that the personal motivation gave positive effect to flow, flow gave positive effect to employee commitment, personal motivation gave positive effect to employee commitment, flow mediates relation of personal motivation on employee commitment. Most of the demographic factors (age, gender, length of work) were not affect the relationship of variables, except  the gender  moderated the relationship of personal motivation to flow and length of  work moderated the relationship of personal motivation to employee commitment.

Employee Commitment, Personal Motivation, Flow, Demographic Factors, Restaurant




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